Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mamallapuram: My Paradise

This is for Caitlin

Today we woke up early and boarded the bus to drive to the beach town of Mamallapuram. It was a really fun ride cause Whitney and I decided to mix it up a bit and ride with the other van of volunteers that aren't from BYU. It was really fun to get to know them all a little better and make some new friends. We talked with Derek the Volunteer Director about what originally brought him to India and about the dynamics of other groups besides our own. It was really interesting to learn a little more about Rising Star and the volunteers that come here. Once we arrived at the beach we did some shopping and when I say some, I mean a lot. I had three shirts made and what they call allibaba pants and I call Alladin pants. I cannot wait to wear them back in the U.S. Once we shopped until I was thoroughly sweaty, we made our way to a beach resort that had a pool and private beach. We got lunch at the beach side bungalow which consisted of pizza and diet was absolutely divine. I got in a little hammock time before taking a swim. It was so nice to just relax and soak up a little sun, but I might have forgotten to apply sunscreen and got a little too much sun and when I say might, I mean definitely.

Kim One and I

I also got a good chance to talk with the coordinators more this trip. I loved seeing them relax and enjoy the break. I have really enjoyed getting to know Kim aka Kim One, who is over our group of seven people. She is so much fun and has such a big heart. I get jealous when I think about the fact that she gets to be here all summer long. After a nice long swim in the pool, we headed out to retrieve the clothing items that the tailor was making for all of us before heading back to Rising Star. I then made a decision that resulted in complete humiliation, but after time had passed quite a few laughs. My swimsuit was still wet after the pool so I decided that I would just put on the long chudidhar shirt over it without any pants. It was a beach town and I had been wearing it around the resort, so I thought it was no big deal. But the second I got out on the street surrounded by Indian men, I immediately regretted that decision. I felt everyone's eyes on me and felt like I had walked outside naked. It is so interesting that if you did that in California, no one would blink an eyelash, but in India, those eyes were wide open. It was a humbling and humiliating experience because I should have been smarter about the cultural differences. But you live and learn and feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman every once in a while, I guess.

After putting some pants on the first possible instant I got back in the van, we headed back to Rising Star for movie night. It was so much fun to just sit and watch Hercules with them. Kim 1 had warned us that they would use us as pillows and boy did they. I was so hot and sweaty after that movie with those girls all over me. But the most interesting thing happened tonight as I was chatting with some of the girls. I had brought my water bottle from the freezer which was mostly frozen and pulled it out to take a sip. One of the girls took it from me and looked inside and asked if it was ice. I replied that it was and immediately all of the girls around me wanted to look at it. I was so surprised that something as simple as ice was noteworthy enough to pass around. It struck me once again how lucky we are to have so many conveniences, even something so readily accessible as ice. Most of these children never have frozen anything, just warm or the occasional chilled drinks. It was a reminder once again of how blessed I am and a reminder to be grateful for the little things in life, including the ones that are so often overlooked.

Movie Time!


  1. Oh a diet coke on the beach in a hammock! Nothing better! And wow, I will never take ice for granted again! Love you Kim!

  2. Okay i burst into tears when I saw that picture and read underneath it that it said this is for Caitlin! Embarrassing I know, but I'm emotional and whatever I'm over it:) I love it and I LOVE you:)!! I love all the wonderful experiences you are having and I love that after I read your posts I feel the spirit so strongly. Those girls laying on you as a pillow was the cutest thing ever!! You can tell how much they love being around you and how much you're touching their lives in so many ways. You are a wonderful answer to so many prayers I'M SURE:))!!! Love you tons Kim!! xoxo
