Sunday, June 5, 2011

Become as a Little Child

The meeting house in Chennai

Today we woke up early and got all ready for church. I actually put makeup on today and wore one of the chudidhars that I had made yesterday to church, along with my bangles and ring. I felt like quite the indian woman and it was nice to feel a little more dressed up for once. The meeting house for the branch in Chennai is a two hour ride from Rising Star campus. My friend beth and I didn't make the cut to ride in the nursing van so we headed over to the van with the boys from the school. I was worried it was going to be a long ride cause we were packed in there like sardines, but it ended up being a wonderful experience. I pulled out my iPod about an hour into the ride and decided to listen to conference talks with the hour we had left. I came across the talk by Sister Stevens of the general primary presidency titled, "Become as a Little Child." Just as I was starting it, the boy next to me asked what I was listening to. I explained what it was and asked if he wanted to listen too. As I was listening to the talk with him, I was overcome with feelings of gratitude for the experiences I am having here in India. I have such a wonderful opportunity to learn from these children we work with. They have taught me patience, forgiveness (especially after poking needles in half of them for vaccinations), and kindness. They have welcomed me with open arms into their family here at Rising Star and have showered me with affection. I especially loved this quote from Sister Stevens, "If we have a heart to learn and a willingness to follow the example of children, their divine attributes can hold a key to unlocking our own spiritual growth." I sincerely believe that these children as well as all of the children in our lives have the ability to help us grow in ways that we might not have realized without their presence in our lives.

I promise he enjoyed it, Indians just don't usually show their teeth in pictures

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