Monday, June 6, 2011

It's a boy! It's a girl! Nope, it's just stinkin' hot!

It was a baby wonderland!
Today we visited a birthing center here in India. It was such a neat experience to see the women all lined up on one side laboring and the others that had just delivered on the other side of the room. It was also interesting to see that the women having contractions were totally silent the whole time without any type of pain control. I was impressed, I'm not sure I could look that calm and collected in that type of situation. The chief of the hospital showed us around the entire complex and was quite the character. He had an ego and we kind of had to feed into it to allow the other girls in the group to come to the site the next day. We were all a little sick of him by the end of the day cause he would just stand around and talk about himself the whole time, not to mention that he said he didn't ever want to live in America. The best part of the day was getting to hold all of the precious little babies that were so fresh from heaven. They were all so sweet and incredibly tiny. The chief said that the average birthweight for babies is 5-6 lbs in India.
My friend Laura and eye went exploring during some down time on the laboring floor to see if we could get into the naturopathic doctor's office to do some observing. The hippy in me just couldn't resist. But when we got there it was locked so we kept ourselves entertained for quite some time taking pictures. We also ran into this little girl outside that was absolutely adorable. She couldn't take her eyes off of my henna. Actually no one could, every where I went all of the india women wanted to smell my hand and arm and look at it and told me it was beautiful. I had it done by one of the house mother's last night after family time and it turned out quite well.
Family time was really fun tonight. I taught the girls how to have staring contests and V. Devi was an absolute hoot to play with. She'd get this freaky look on her face and her eyes would get huge, I laughed every single time. I really feel like I am becoming friends with the girls in the family I visit. I have picked up on their different personalities and they know my sense of humor better. At first I was worried about having a house of girls, but now its been a great experience to get so close to them in such a short amount of time. It's like having twenty instant little sisters. They are so open and giving with their affection. I wish I was more like that. I wish I could just open up my heart and share that love with everyone I met. I get so caught up in the social norms for meeting new people, or being shy in a group setting, that I think I miss out on the joy that can come from loving someone right away and letting them just love you back. If the world was able to be that giving with affection, it would be a much better place. Maybe we all need to take a page out of these children's books and just give unconditional love to everyone, no matter the age, gender or especially race.

This little girl was fascinated by my henna

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