Friday, June 3, 2011

Lunch Time!

Aravind Raj

Is Aravind not the cutest thing you have ever seen? Today we vaccinated the same children we did physicals on yesterday, meaning that we got to torture them even more. It was actually really difficult to have to inflict pain on such sweet, innocent children. It got to the point that children were climbing up shelves to get away from us. We even had to have two people hold some children down. It was funny that we were with our pediatric nursing teacher at the time and we were basically doing everything she taught us not to do. But it's India and we had to get 90 kids vaccinated in about 2 hours while also keeping them from running all over the place in 100 degree weather. Sometimes I get a little exhausted feeling like I am the bad guy who has to give them shots and tell them to knock it off, but then I remember that I'm only trying to help them in the long run and by the time it was play time later that afternoon, they didn't even remember.

The best part of the day was getting to each lunch with the kids in the dining hall. We usually eat at the volunteer hostel or pack a lunch if we're off campus that day. The children are all given the metal plate/bowls that Aravind is holding above and sit with their houses. We were given regular plates and forks, but the kids just dive right in, but with their right hands only. I sat by my sweet friend Jana who is Sanjay's brother and he showed me the correct technique for eating with your hands and I must admit, it is a lot harder than they make it look. But I loved getting to spend more time with the children and especially with the boys. They are so hilarious and spunky.

After finishing up the vaccinations and then charting them on the computer in a stiffling hot room cause the power went out for 30 minutes, we got to take a quick break and then went off to play time. I love spending time with the kids and not having any responsibilites besides just having fun. It was quite hot today and Gracie and Pria wanted to play catcher (tag) which meant I was a completely sweaty mess afterwards. I also got some time in on the slide with the cute girls below and then got my hair braided. I have always prided myself in having a tough head when it came to having my hair done because when my Dad had to do our hair on Sundays he would always pull harder than my Mom, but boy was I mistaken. G. Devi, one of the girls in the house I visit at family time, french braided my hair and I thought I was going to cry. I told her to be more gently and she just responded, "no, tight good." Lucky I survived with most of my hair intact.

I also had to include a picture of the food for my sister Caitlin because tonight's meal was DELICIOUS! I haven't pinned down the exact name of the dish just yet, but it was so good and we even had some tortilla type things they call Chapati which were delicious. Every night we eat up on the roof and have rice and some type of curry dish and then a fresh fruit salad and a cucumber and tomato salad that the volunteers cut themselves. The cook makes the Indian food for us each night and spoiled us with the Chapati tonight. The fruit salad is always delicious and usually consists of pineapple, apples, oranges, mangos, papaya, and pomegranates. During dinner we go around and everyone says what their high and low was for the day. To tell you the truth, I always want to say that my low is having to tell my high and low. I am a poor sport, but I'd rather just talk during dinner than listen to some of the random things people choose to talk about. Okay, complaining done. But I love eating up there cause it cools down and we all have our banana leaves and I am always just content, usually still hungry cause my stomach is so used to heavy American food.

Today one of the nursing girls asked how I felt about going home and I told her I wasn't necessarily looking forward to it, but also excited to see my family again. But later on as I realized that I only have two weeks left here, I realized that as much as I love my family, it is going to be really hard to leave. I feel like I have been here for much longer than a week and have gotten so used to these sweet kids being a part of my life. I have become a part of their routine and they have become a part of mine. They have helped me grow and learn patience and how to serve in conditions far from ideal. I just love the way of life here, it is so simple and the usual worries are far from my mind. But time marches forward, so I must make the most of what time is left here in a country that has stolen my heart.

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