Saturday, May 30, 2009

Scotland: Day 1

This picture has a long and hysterical story behind it, one in which I'll save for another time

Scottish Parliament

We left for Scotland this past Wednesday and what a trip it was. We took a train from King's Cross Station (what up Harry Potter!) in London to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. We stayed in a youth hostel, which was an experience in and of itself. Luckily we filled up the rooms entirely, so there were no weird men sleeping with us, which is the norm for hostels. We spent the first day just exploring the city and even sat in on a discussion at the Scottish Parliament. I found the Scottish people to be incredibly friendly and helpful. For dinner, a group of us hit up the Hard Rock Cafe. It was so fun to listen to music I actually recognized and get good service, something that has been hard to come by at restaurants in London.

1 comment:

  1. We found the Scottish people to be just the same: actually our favorites on the islands! I am glad you are having such a wonderful time and with such a stellar group too! It's true that they can really vary and some are not at all as good as others. You must be getting close to the end...I'll bet you don't want to be thinking too much about that, just like a mission! Julie
