Sunday, May 31, 2009

Scotland: Day 2

View from Edinburgh Castle

Hiking down Arthur's Seat

The second day in Scotland was full of lots of adventures. We all decided that it was a workout clothes only day, which was great cause we all looked equally scrubby. The first outing of the day was climbing Arthur's Seat which is were Orson Pratt dedicated Scotland as a mission field. The climb up there was full of breathtaking views and breath-taking inclines. But we had a blast together and almost got blown away at the top, the gusts were so strong. After our hike, we visited the Edinburgh Castle at the top of the Royal Mile. The castle was fun to look around in, but after visiting palaces galore, its hard to be impressed. But we took in the view and enjoyed having more photo shoots. After this trip, I feel like I've become entirely too comfortable in front of the camera, look out Tyra...

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