Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bandulore Leprosy Colony

Me with a leprosy patient and his wife (and no, I am not standing on a stool)

Today was such a goooood day! We woke up and hopped on the bus for our first leprosy colony adventure. It was quite a long ride out there but totally worth it. I really focused on trying to take in the sights of India. It is so interesting to me that I have become so accustomed to seeing trash scattered along the side of the road, that I almost don't even notice it anymore. I also have seen many a cow grazing amongst the trash piles...classic India. I think I will definitely appreciate how clean it is back in Washington state.

Once we arrived at the colony, we helped unload the medical supplies and get things organized for the clinic. Our jobs were to take blood pressures, check blood sugars, wash their feet, moisturize their feet and debride their wounds. After getting things set up, I started thinking about the leprosy patients and how the Savior healed them physically and emotionally. These people are considered untouchables today and during the Savior's lifetime. He treated them like the children of God that they are and was an example for how the people should treat them as well. Just sitting there thinking about doing a work so close to the Savior brought tears to my eyes. I am so blessed and lucky to have this experience and spend time with these people who suffer so much.

My first job was the debriding station and I was a little intimidated about that job. The woman that was helping me didn't speak english so i didn't really know what to do exactly. But I just jumped in and did my best. Things got a little hairy there for a bit, or should I say bloody, but we all survived, both me and the patient.

After taking care of all of the patients that visited the clinic that day, one of the Rising Star drivers took us on a tour of the leprosy colony. It was a very humbling experience. One of the younger girls showed us her home with consisted of a porch where her parents slept and a 7x7 foot room where the children slept, a small kitchen and a bathroom in the back which was just the floor and a bucket. I realized that we have so many things in America that are so unnecessary. We have our big houses that we fill up with things and then our storage units for all of the things that don't fit in our house. It reminded me that the true necessities in life don't take up that much space and that you can get by on much less than we as Americans think. The people in this colony were so kind and welcoming. It was a little sad to see the cage of rats that they eat which looked exactly like my old pet rat Radcliffe, may she rest in peace. I really enjoyed working in the colony today because it reminded me of why I came to India and helped me love the people here even more.

Whitney with two girls from the colony

Play time with the kids was fun today. I played with a group of the older girls from the house I visit at family time each night. They taught me how to play a few new games and gave me a chance to see into the world of a pre-teen Indian girl. One of them has a crush on another boy and I enjoyed seeing how shy she got when he would come around...I don't miss that phase of life at all, so awkward. But my love for these children has grown so much and it is only the second day. They just have an excitement for life that is inspiring. They are worth running around playing tag in 100 degree weather and discovering that you can sweat in places you never knew you could. I just really enjoyed today and can't wait for more.

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