Friday, May 8, 2009

The Magical Musical: Wicked

Brandt and Mari before the show

The group after the show

A few nights ago a bunch of us decided that we had to go see Wicked. We got an amazing student price and sat 10 rows back. I forgot how wonderful this musical really was since the last time I saw it about four years ago. We all fell in love with the London cast and sang the songs all the way home on the tube.


  1. I found your blog by random but I was excited when I saw the post about Wicked. I hope you enjoyed it and you have a great time abroad.
    Keep Smiling!

  2. So glad you are having such a great experience there, girls! Saw your mom at book group and she let me in on your blog address! Wicked is coming to Seattle soon and we are definitely going again-such great music! I'll have to google Taylor Swift though, so I can watch her dance! :) I'm so excited you both get to be there and savor this semester!! Julie
