Sunday, May 3, 2009

Harrods: The Mecca of Department Stores

We finally decided to take a trip to one of my favorite places in London, Harrods! It is one of the largest department stores that I have ever visited. There are five floors, filled with every item you could imagine. On one floor, there is a Pet kingdom, with every possible item you could ever need for your pet, it was quite ridiculous. There is also a very upscale type of grocery store on the ground level, with a chocolate and pastry room that competes with Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory. Caitlin, the queen of samples, someone convinced everyone to lets us try a little piece here and there and we were full by the time we left. Scattered throughout the food floor were little restaurants you could eat at, including the pizza place in the video above. I couldn't resist including this video, this guy was amazing. On one of the upper floors was the most incredible toy collection as well. The top picture is of fake snow that felt wet and cold. I think we played with it for 10 minutes straight. We steered clear of most of the clothing floors due to the fact that everything was far beyond our price range. We did manage to leave with a few perfume samples though, woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. I cringe when I remember we never made it into Harrod's for lack of time in London. It looks like quite the experience! Loved the video clip!
